Halfway up the steps, as you climb from the landing stage through the forest to the Rütli, you will pass a barn. At 80 square metres in size, the «Musée Grütli» is the smallest museum in Switzerland. Each year it hosts a free exhibition on Swiss culture and society which is open to visitors from May to October.

«The Value of Democracy»

A new exhibition at the «Musée Grütli» looks at democracy past and present and the threats it faces. It is aimed at a broad cross-section of the population – families, school parties, hiking groups and visitors to the Rütli meadow.

Location: Musée Grütli, Seelisberg UR (directions)
Exhibition dates:  From mid-May 2024 to October 2025
Opening times: Daily, 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Living in a democracy is not something to be taken for granted. This is what the Swiss Society for the Common Good (SSCG) aims to show through its new exhibition on «The Value of Democracy» at the «Musée Grütli». The exhibition is also intended to remind people of the importance of direct democracy and political participation.


In 2023, Switzerland celebrated the 175th anniversary of the Federal Constitution and 175 years of democracy in Switzerland. It was the first stable democracy in Europe, and other countries then followed suit. At the beginning of the 21st century, the number of democracies reached its highest point so far, but democracy is now under threat worldwide. The number of countries under autocratic rule is rising. Established democracies are threatened by social inequality and restrictions on media freedom, fake news and populism, voter fatigue and frustration with political parties.

An interactive, multimedia exhibition – ideal for groups and school parties

Interactive and multimedia installations offer visitors to the exhibition at the «Musée Grütli» a varied and entertaining museum experience. Video interviews with migrants from autocratic countries remind people that freedom of expression and electoral freedom are not a given. You can test your knowledge of democracy in the big quiz. There is an opportunity to vote on the future of direct democracy using touch-screen voting: Should it stay as it is? Or are reforms needed? The «Hands up!» selfie station encourages people to vote. Because democracy relies on participation. Every vote counts.



Opening of the Musée Grütli 2018 by Alain Berset