Proprietor of the Rütli: the Swiss confederation
In 1860 the SSCG presented the Rütli to the Swiss confederation – with the proviso that the site was not to be sold or used as building land. The Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik (Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics; BBL) is responsible for maintaining and developing the buildings and infrastructure on the Rütli on behalf of the federal government.
Administrators of the Rütli: the Swiss Society for the Common Good (SSCG)
The SSCG set out in the deed of donation of 1860 that it would continue to manage the Rütli site. The SSCG is responsible for conducting the business of the Rütli and it elects the tenant. The management of the SSCG gives permission to visit the Rütli to groups of more than 50 people and groups wishing to use the site for special purposes. The SSCG also organizes the Federal Day celebrations on the Rütli each year.
The Rütli tenant
The tenant is elected by the SSCG. The tenant is responsible for running the restaurant and farm and is charged with the upkeep of the property.