The Job Caddie programme offers free mentoring for teenagers and young adults who are experiencing difficulties with apprenticeships or starting a career. Volunteer mentors offer their support. Job Caddie Switzerland is supported by the SSCG and operates in four regions via local partnerships.

Since 2008, the SSCG has been supporting young adults with difficulties during and after their apprenticeship through the Job Caddie mentoring programme. Job Caddie advises young adults and puts them in touch with a suitable mentor. These are volunteers who usually operate in the same sector as the young people. Job Caddie is available in the cantons of Zurich, Bern and Zug as well as in the Schwyz / Upper Lake Zurich region.

Exchange platform “Vocational Training Laboratory”

Job Caddie and the SSCG also play a mediating role in the field of vocational training and have founded the “Vocational Training Laboratory” for this purpose. It is a space for thinking, discussing and promoting the quality of the dual vocational training of the future. Stakeholders from different sectors are involved in participatory processes and efforts are made to improve Swiss vocational training.

Team JobCaddie

©HATT SGG Team Schärli 0830 Grau Low

Project manager of Job Caddie Zurich

©HATT SGG Team Meier 1128 Grau Low

Programme Employee of Job Caddie Zurich Zürich


Donations and legacies

The SSCG uses your donation or legacy to assist people and families affected by poverty and support projects for social cohesion and voluntary work: donations and legacies