19. July 2021

Workshops lead to innovative ideas

Along with the promotion of volunteerism, the promotion of social cohesion is the second thematic focus of the SSCG. The ten workshops held between 2019 and 2021 examined the following sub-areas of societal cohesion: generational relationships, narratives, values and identities, diversity, pluralism and inclusion, participation and democracy, gender equity, distributive justice, working in the digitalized world, linguistic diversity, and the relationship between urban, rural and agglomeration. These workshops provided valuable substantive and formal knowledge and project ideas, which will be incorporated into studies, debates, pilot projects and policy initiatives in the coming years. Some ideas can be mentioned here:

  • Surveys on the topics of societal and social cohesion
  • Promotion of sector-related dialogue formats
  • Comprehensive partnerships between municipalities from different language regions
  • Promotion of citizens’ councils by lottery
  • Promotion of participatory projects in schools
  • Creation of voting simulators
  • Promotion of coherent narratives
  • Debate on paid and unpaid work as an expression of social values
  • Promotion of digital tools for social cohesion