Commissions and Delegations of the SSCG

Central Commission and Executive Committee
Anders Stokholm, President, Zurich (since 2024)
Cornelia Hürzeler, Vice-President, Zurich (since 2021)
Franz Hofer, Vice-President, Obergoldbach (since 2021)
Dr. Claudia Genier, Geneva (since 2023)
Martin Hofer, Zürich (since 2008)
Dr. Ruth Ludwig-Hagemann, Basel (since 2023)
Michel Peter, Herisau (since 2023)
Laila Sheikh, Fribourg (since 2023)

Awards Committee
Manuela Giovanoli, Zurich (since 2023)
Cornelia Hürzeler, Zurich (since 2019)
Tobias Lengsfeld, Zurich (since 2023)

Research Voluntary Commission
Prof. Dr. Peter Farago, (President), Zurich (since 2002)
Dr. Jeannette Behringer, Zurich (since 2007)
Prof. Dr. Sandro Cattacin, Geneva (since 2002)
Cornelia Hürzeler, Zurich (since 2014)
Dr. Markus Lamprecht, Zurich (since 2007)
Nicole Schöbi, Neuchâtel (since 2021)
Paola Solcà, Manno (since 2021)
Prof. Dr. Christian Staerklé, Lausanne (since 2016)
Prof. Dr. Muriel Surdez, Fribourg (since 2015)

Geschäftsprüfungskommission (GPK)
Johannes Holdener (President), St. Gallen (since 2015)
Franziska Juch, Zollikon (since 2023)
Patrick Stadler, Bern (since 2023)
Sinan Odok, Zurich (since 2023)

SSCG team

All info under SSCG Team

Foundations administered by SSCG

Dr. Ruth Ludwig-Hagemann, President, Basel (since 2015)
Cornelia Hürzeler, Zurich (since 2023)
Barbara Thalmann, Uster (since 2022)

Dr. Ruth Ludwig-Hagemann, President, Basel (since 2017)
Cornelia Hürzeler, Zurich (since 2023)
Barbara Thalmann, Uster (since 2019)

Hans und Hulda Klinger-Stiftung
Dr. Ruth Ludwig-Hagemann, President, Basel (since 2015)
Cornelia Hürzeler, Zurich (since 2023)
Barbara Thalmann, Uster (since 2015)

Foundation whose entire Board of Trustees is elected by the SSCG
Paul-Schiller-Stiftung, Zurich

Boards of Trustees partly elected by the SSCG
Management Committee  of the Foundation fondssuisse, Bern
Board of Trustees of the Foundation Hohlen Gasse in Küssnacht SZ


SGG Statuten (PDF, German)

Statuts SSUP (PDF, French)